korang pernah tak dengar perkataan 'kelopak garam'?
kelopak garam ne berlaku bile badan kite gatal2 smp merah n meninggalkan kesan 'peta' kt tmpt tu..
caye atau x,kelopak garam ne dh byk kali jadi kt aku..
nk tau ape punce aku gatal2 smp kua kelopak garam?
i am allergic to the cold!
pelik?mmg tp bkn aku sorang je yg pernah jadi mcm tu..
baru la aku tau knp aku tgaru2 kt bhg lengan n kaki stiap kali sejuk (dlm bus ekspres,dlm kuliah,hotel etc.)
tp aku still ley tahan lg sejuk aircond dlm kereta..naseb baek jgk..kalau x,mmg x naek kereta la aku nmpknye..huhu
cemane rupe kelopak garam?aku xtau org laen mcm mane,tp aku punye,timbul merah2 mcm kne gigit nyamuk..tp besar2 n byk2..geli jgk aku menengoknye..huhu
aku ade search,mmg wujud elergik tu..meh aku copy ayat doktor tu..
"Some people develop hives on the skin when they encounter cold temperatures. This condition, called cold urticaria, is the most common type of hives caused by a physical condition. The hives are produced by a rapid release of histamine brought about by IgE antibodies and eosinophils (a type of white blood cell often involved in allergic reactions) in response to the cold. Rapid cooling, as from the evaporation when one gets out of a swimming pool, can trigger cold urticaria even on a warm day. For people with cold urticaria, swimming in very cold water is quite dangerous, sometimes even causing death.
Treatment of cold urticaria involves avoiding the cold, when possible, and taking antihistamines. The antihistamines are best taken before exposure to cold temperatures to block some of the histamine release.
Sometimes cold urticaria is a symptom of another problem, such as cryofibrinogenemia, cryoglobulinemia, or syphilis. Even when it is not, you can develop cold urticaria after receiving a blood transfusion from someone who has it. Most people don't know that allergies can be transmitted in transfusions, but they can (Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics, WB Saunders, 2000)! For some people, cold urticaria is a lifelong condition; for others, it is temporary -- only during and after an infection, such as mycoplasma or mononucleosis.
Both mononucleosis and mycoplasma infections can produce another type of cold allergy in the blood. Following these and a variety of other viral infections, exposure to the cold can cause anemia from allergic bursting of some of the red blood cells. Anemia can result in fatigue and other symptoms, including decreased ability to learn."
risau pulak org yang terima darah aku yg aku derma dulu tu terkena jgk penyakit mcm aku ne..huhu
6 budak suka tunjuk gigi:
uuu~ agk la cmne org yg trime darah tu..haha
huhu..tu la
sian gk kt die,mst die kne jgk elergik sejuk ne huhu
tp xpe la,at least die slmt sbb dpt bekalan darah :)
bes gle dpt darah alya..hehehe
knp bez lak?
hye...awk...urm...my fren pon ade masalh mcm awk jgak...smpai x b kna lgsung bnda sejuk..mandi pon x boleh...
urm....awk pnye alergi ni dah sembuh ke belom...then ape..yg awk buat untuk hilangkan allergi 2,,,
wa.. lynda.. dahsyat sgt alergi kwn awk tu.. huhu
so far sy kurang dh gtl2 sbb sy elakkan kulit dr terdedah dgn suhu sejuk melampau(aircond)..
cara nk elakkan juz pki baju yg bertutup, klu blh tebalkan kain supaya bdn x sejuk..
klu kelopak garam tu naik, boleh try sapu garam kt tmpt gtl tu.. =)
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