Friday 19 December 2008

pasal penyakit aku..GERD(Gastro-esophageal reflux disease)

Doodled by aL sYa at Friday, December 19, 2008
aku dpt penyakit ni since last year lg,in July lbh kurg..ape yg aku igt,aku tibe2 sesak tarik nfs pn mcm x mampu tarik dlm2..aku stat kne lps aku pose 3 ari berturut2 n mkn ms boke pose tu dgn jumlah yg sgt besar hoho..agknye sbb tu la kne..

ni sikit info yg aku copy drpd

What is GERD?
Your stomach is filled with acid. Its purpose is to help digest the food you eat. Believe it or not, this acid is the same acidity as battery acid. Your stomach is built to handle the acid it produces. However, your esophagus isn’t. So when acid backs up into your esophagus, it can cause the burning sensation known as heartburn.

Almost everyone has occasional heartburn. But if these symptoms occur two or more days a week for at least three months, you may have GERD, or acid reflux disease. Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (the valve separating the esophagus and stomach) does not close properly, allowing acid to back up into the esophagus.

GERD is a chronic condition and may lead to more serious medical conditions, but is treatable.

What triggers acid reflux?

our lifestyle doesn’t cause GERD, but it may make your symptoms worse. Triggers for acid reflux include:

* Certain foods or drinks
* Smoking
* Being overweight
* Eating too much(ha see,kan aku dh ckp..huhu)
* Bending over after eating
* Lying down less than 3 hours after meals

lps byk kali jmp doktor kt HUSM,ade 1 doktor ne die bagi pantang kt aku..
- jgn mkn pape2 yg masam
- jgn mkn pape yg berminyak
- jgn mkn pape yg berlemak contohnye daging,kulit ayam
- jgn mkn pape yg pedas
- bila tido,make sure bantal tu tinggi
- mkn sikit2 tp berulang-ulang

br ari tu jumpe doktor lg,kt poliklinik komuniti bangi..doktor tu tny dh wat endoscopi ke?(msk wire yg ade kamera melalui mulut utk tgk perut..)tkt la pulak..papehal pn ats nasihat parents aku,aku mintak doktor tu wt surat refer ke hospital serdang..doktor tu anta gi SOPD..aku xtau SOPD tu ape,so aku search kt internet..SOPD tu rupenye KLINIK PESAKIT LUAR PEMBEDAHAN alamak kena bedah ke???tp setahu aku,penyakit GERD ni mmg ley dirawat dgn operation..

ade lg tmbhn drpd website laen..
- xley mkn chocolate
- xley minum air gas
- xley mkn mint
- xley..err byk laa

2 budak suka tunjuk gigi:

Anonymous said...

Cam asma ada gak...

Dpt penyakit cam hilang kenikmatan di dunia...

Tp biarla di dunia jerk, kat akhirat....

Anonymous said...

tp alyaa best..bleh mkn telur mate kerbau..hehe


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